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Flowtech Performance Exhaust was founded in 1994, by exhaust market expert Gary Biggs, with the mission of delivering high quality performance exhaust at a great value. The mission was successful and in less than two decades Flowtech became the leader in value priced exhaust systems. Flowtech cornered its place in the market with aggressive and memorable product names such as Raptor™, Terminator™, Afterburner™ and Warlock™. Flowtech even revived some names from back in the day like Purple Hornies™. Flowtech made its mark with simple yet effective improvements like slotted port flanges giving added wiggle room during header installation. They dimpled their tubes at the port to make more room for the header bolts and they parallel ground their flanges to assure a tight seal. Flowtech innovations include their unique Afterburner headers which separated the odd firing cylinders with a velocity tube to improve scavenging. Their patented Warlock bypass muffler won the SEMA best new product award for its revolutionary open or closed design in 1996.